The delicious history of cheesecake – There are many famous cheesecake bakeries in North America, and those who can’t resist digging their forks into this beloved dessert may assume that cheesecake traces its origins there. In fact, cheesecake traces its origins to the ancient Greeks. #Cheesecake
Tag: Cheesecake

5 Essential Desserts – These are some of my favorite desserts. Did yours make my top 5?

National Cheesecake Day – a day for a yummy sweet soft and rich treat. Cheesecake is popular among a lot of people. #NationalCheeseCakeDay #CheeseCakeDay #CheeseCake

I have two recipes here. One is for a plain Lemonade Pie and I made a second one with strawberries (Strawberry Lemonade Pie). Both are very yummy pies! #LemonadePie #StrawberryLemonadePie