World Scout Scarf Day – a day set aside for former and current scouts to wear their scarfs. #WorldScoutScarfDay

The idea of “Scout Scarf Day” on August 1 is that all active and former scouts are requested to wear their scout scarfs in public to make the “Spirit of Scouting” visible.
This scouting holiday is held annually on August 1. It was created by a collective of scouting groups in 2007.
The Boy Scout Troop I grew up in, Troop 26, where I got my Eagle from made our own and we silk screened them.

Troop 26 – Washington Pike United Methodist Church
Did you know August 1st is also National Eagle Scout Day.

So I plan to wear my Eagle Scout bolo on my work polo tomorrow, shown above, since it is these two scouting holidays on the same day.
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