5 Reasons Why You Should Do A Christian Blog

5 Reasons Why You Should Do A Christian Blog – I am gonna share five reasons why you should do a Christian Blog.

In an older blog post I shared why I started blogging. In this blog post I want to share why you should start blogging or think about it. I got this idea from A Tale of Two Thompson on their blog post. So I figured I would come up with five reasons why you should do a Christian Blog.

5 Reasons Why You Should Do A Christian Blog

5 Reasons Why You Should Do A Christian Blog

#1 You Can Improve Writing and Communication Skills


Just like the Thompson’s they said you can improve some of your writing and communication skills. Most blog programs have spell check and even a grammar check. Yes, I know mine isn’t the best. The point of blogging is just blogging. It doesn’t matter how good or bad you are. The point in Christian Blogging is being obedient.

#2 Commanded to Go!

We are command to go into the World and share the gospel! Sometimes we cannot step foot into another country physically, however, our blog can reach these countries! Like Courageous Christian Father, it has reached over 229 countries. That is a lot of countries for me not going outside of the United States physically.  So the potential to reach a lot of countries is out there.

#3 Helps You Learn More

As you go to write a blog post. It helps you to learn more about the topic you want to write about. It will help you engage and and study more. That way you can help and share that with your readers. So dig deeper to build a great article!

#4 Helps You Network

It helps you to network with other believers, ministries and more. You can learn more by networking and learning more about other ministries and form other believers. Networking can help build your readership too. You can build that network by telling others about the Christian Blog ministry you do. Plus, share new blog post on social media. It also helps to read other Christian Blogs and give a thoughtful comment. Don’t comment to spam it either!

#5 It’s Fun!

I actually find it fun and calming to blog. I enjoy wanting to share new things with my readers. Maybe things they already know or knew some about. It is a great way to express yourself and allow for others to get to know you and the blogging ministry. Plus the main reason to do a Christian Blog is to share Christ! So start up a Christian Blog and share Christ! Just be obedient. Don’t forget it takes time to build an audience. Just like the movie A Field of Dreams. If you build it they will come. The same applies to the blogging. If you Blog It, They will Come! Just be patient!

The Thompson’s!

Of course the Thompson’s has a different set of five reasons. Check out their five reasons why to start a blog.


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