Why is Independence Day celebrated on July 4th?

Why is Independence Day celebrated on July 4th? The Continental Congress declared its independence from Great Britain on July 2, 1776. If that date raises an eyebrow, it should. Independence Day in the United States has long been celebrated on July 4th, which would seem to be two days late.

Why is Independence Day celebrated on July 4th – learn why we celebrate Independence Day on the Fourth of July. It was almost celebrated on another day.

Why is Independence Day celebrated on July 4th

Why is Independence Day celebrated on July 4th? The Continental Congress declared its independence from Great Britain on July 2, 1776. If that date raises an eyebrow, it should. Independence Day in the United States has long been celebrated on July 4th, which would seem to be two days late.

Why is Independence Day celebrated on July 4th? The Continental Congress declared its independence from Great Britain on July 2, 1776. If that date raises an eyebrow, it should. Independence Day in the United States has long been celebrated on July 4th, which would seem to be two days late. But upon closer examination, it seems Americans are not really celebrating their independence two days later than they should be. According to the National Constitution Center, the Continental Congress approved a resolution declaring its independence from Great Britain on July 2.

However, a document still needed to be drafted to explain the decision to the general public. Such a document was already in the works, but it took two days for the men of Congress to agree on a final version. The resulting document, known as the Declaration of Independence, was sent to John Dunlap, an Irish printer who served under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War, who subsequently printed roughly 200 broadsides. Still, the Declaration of Independence was not read to the public until July 8, 1776, when Colonel John Nixon did so in Philadelphia on what is now known as Independence Square. It was nearly a month later, on August 2, 1776, when most members of the Continental Congress actually signed the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia.

Check out these Festival facts about the 4th of July!

Check out these 4th of July / Independence Day related blog posts.

Check out these 4th of July / Independence Day blog posts.
  1. 4th of July Finger Puzzle Printable
  2. A-Z of 4th of July
  3. America Bless God
  4. Blessed is the Nation
  5. Blue, All Things Blue
  6. By His Stripes We Are Healed
  7. Church Sign about Freedom is Not Free
  8. Enjoy a Safe & Happy Independence Day
  9. Festive facts for July 4th
  10. Firework Safety
  11. Fourth of July Poem/Acronym Printable
  12. Freedom in Christ
  13. Freedom is not Free
  14. God, Bible & The Nation
  15. In God We Trust
  16. In God We Trust – One Nation Under God
  17. If We Ever Forget Quote – Ronald Reagan 
  18. Many Died For Our Freedom Jesus Died For Our Sins
  19. One Nation Under God
  20. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag
  21. Red, All Things Red
  22. Quick & Easy Way To Cut Watermelon (Video)
  23. White, All Things White
  24. Why Independence Day is Celebrated on the 4th of July

Compliments of MetroCreative TF197105 First published June 29, 2019. Last updated July 1, 2023.

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