60+ Ways to Encourage Others – We can show encouragement to others in not only our words, but also our actions too. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. #EncourageSomeone

Since September 12 is National Encouragement Day, I figured I would come up with a list.
Below are 60 ways to show encouragement to others.
- Tell someone Congrats!
- Let someone know you are proud of them.
- Leave a nice note for a loved one, or random person.
- Let someone know you appreciate them.
- Tell someone you love them.
- Check on a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a long time.
- Put up your child(ren) art work on the fridge or else where in the house.
- Pay a meal for someone. (Could be the person behind you in line or a family at the sit down restaurant)
- Sit with someone who is eating by themselves.
- Pray for someone and let them know you prayed for them.
- If someone ask you to pray, Stop, Drop and Pray! (Pray on the spot!)
- Send a random text or email to the person you talked to last and give some kind of encouragement to them.
- Make celebrations part of your relationship.
- Tell others how they encouraged you.
- Trust the other more stuff.
- Offer to let someone in front of you in the line.
- Cheer up someone that is down.
- Give a sincere compliment.
- Just listen to someone!
- Keep a positive Attitude
- Give up a parking spot for someone else.
- Offer help to someone in need.
- Be patient with the clerk, cashier, etc helping you. (Let them know they are doing a good job)
- Make and give away a handmade gift.
- Offer to babysit or cook dinner for someone.
- Slip a little card in a co-workers mailbox thanking them or recognizing them for something in the workplace.
- Do something good for others, even if you don’t know them.
- When you introduce someone, give some kind of praise to them.
- Donate items not being used to charity or someone in need.
- Take the grocery cart back to the store, instead of the cart corral.
- Give a bigger than normal tip.
- Random Acts of Kindess!
- Let someone know they are important to you by turning off your cell phone when someone starts sharing with you.
- Remind fellow believers of the promises of God.
- Send flowers to someone.
- Write a letter of recommendation to an employee of an employee who did great.
- Leave a positive review of a business and their staff.
- Give words of blessing.
- Ask your server if you can pray for them before you bless your meal. (Or even the cashier at the fast food joint)
- Smile at someone. They are contagious and spread sunshine!
- Leave ONLY positive comments on blogs and social media post.
- Put a happy Sign or Smile Face on your car.
- Send delivery food to someone.
- When you see someone making positive changes in others, affirm them.
- Give a care package to someone.
- Give a blessing bag to a homeless person.
- Put coins in someone a car in a parking meter
- Stop criticizing others
- Tell people positive things about themselves.
- Let others know they can do it!
- Speak life-affirming words.
- Say Thank You and You Are Welcome! Manners Matter!
- Text a random number a positive message.
- Bite your tongue! THINK! Before you Speak!
- Remind the one who feels alone the promise of Jesus’, “I will never leave you….”
- Be a secret giver, give a gift to someone without them knowing it was you.
- Thank someone for something they do, that normally isn’t thanked for. Like filling a soap dispenser.
- Thank your Police, Military, Firefighters, EMT’s, Paramedics, for their service.
- Give special goodie bag to your Police, Military, Firefighters, EMT’s, Paramedics
- Ask someone for advice.
- Offer your support for someone.
- Offer your chair or seat to someone else.
- Leave a kind note to your coworker, maybe compliment them on something they done well.
- 25 Words of Encouragement!
There are plenty more ways to encourage someone. These are just some examples. Is there a way I didn’t list? Feel free to share in the comments. I just made add it to this list!
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