Toilet Paper Day – Don’t laugh! But here is a holiday honoring that important piece of paper we all use and throw away. #ToiletPaperDay
A necessary piece of paper we all must have … toilet paper. It even has it’s own holiday! It is held annually on August 26. The standard size of one sheet of toilet paper is 4.5 inches by 4.5 inches.
Before toilet paper many things were used to wipe your rear end. When you go camping, you might use leaves. Be careful what leaves you use or you might end up with an itchy bumpy situation. Other items used include: Water, hay, corncobs, leaves, sticks, stones, sand moss, hemp, wool, husks, fruit peels, ferns, sponges, seashells, and broken pottery. Some of those items sound like they would hurt or scratch!

I am not sure when or how this day got started, yet there it is a holiday for Toilet Paper.
People have used toilet paper for more than just wiping their rear. Some use it for crafts or clothing. Even some have used it to T-P someones property. That I do not recommend doing at all.
If you go to most fast food restaurants, they use very thin and cheap paper. I think that kind makes you use more toilet paper than the standard normal.
Americans use more toilet paper than any other western country.
Over or under? About two-thirds of Americans prefer their toilet paper to come off the roll over the top.
Toilet paper came to the US 1857. Joseph Gayetty brought toilet paper to the US in 1857. It had Gayetty’s name embossed on it.
You use to be able to find colored toilet paper in the US, but now you can’t. But you can in other countries.
First published August 24, 2018. Last updated or republished August 26, 2019.
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