The Ultimate Superhero – Who do you think is a hero? How about this, who do you think is an ultimate superhero? Can you name anyone? I can name one …
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
The Ultimate Superhero
: written stories about people and events that are not real : literature that tells stories which are imagined by the writer
: something that is not true

noun ˈhir-(ˌ)ō
: a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities
: a person who is greatly admired
: the chief male character in a story, play, movie, etc.
Types Heroes
- Action Heroes
- Family Heroes
- Fantasy heroes
- Political Heroes
- Sports Heroes
- Social Heroes
- Superheroes
- Fictional character
- Secret Identity of Brace Wayne
- Wanted revenge on criminals for murder of his parents
- No super powers like other fictional superheros
- lived in a fictional city called Gotham City
- Fictional character
- Secret Identity of Clark Kent
- Came from a fictional planet Krypton, rocketed to Earth as infant
- Strong strength
- lived in a fictional city called Metropolis
- Krypton weakens him, Just like sin weakens us.
- Fictional character
- Secret Identity of Peter Parker
- invented his wrist mounted spider web shooting device to cling to surfaces and maneuver
- New York City, NY
Iron Man
- Fictional character
- Secret Identity of Tony Stark
- invented the suit or armor that Iron Man wears
- He was in middle east, from California (movies) / New York (Comics)
Jesus Christ
- The Ultimate Superhero of all time, Past, Present and Future.
- Born of a virgin
- Lived a sinless life
- Was Beat, Broken and torn for our sins
- Died on the Cross for sins
- Arose on the 3rd Day
- Son of God
- Our Savior
- Healed People
- Preformed Miracles
- He loved us that He died for us
- It took a lot of courage for him to die on the cross
- He knew He had to die for us, it was part of God’s plan
- Washed His disciples feet
- Conquered sin & death
- Defeated the devil
- The list can go on and on
6 Characteristics of a Hero
A Hero …
- Knows how to love (1 Corinthians 13:4-8 & Matthew 8:1-3)
- Is courageous (1 John 4:16-18)
- Is motivated by a vision (John 3:16-17)
- Serves Others (John 13:3-5)
- Willing to risk whatever it takes to save others (Philippians 2:6-8)
- Defeats the enemy (Luke 7:11-15)
1 Important Characteristic of an Ultimate Superhero
That is he comes back from the grave. (John 20:11-18)
We must look to Jesus as our hero and no one else. Look at what He has done for us. He died for us to save us.
Christian Songs about Hero
If you can check out the lyrics to both of the above songs.
Final thoughts
Forget Batman vs Superman or superhero vs superhero or who you think the greatest superhero is. There is only one true, real life ultimate superhero … Jesus Christ! Most superheroes are fictional, meaning they are not real. There are some that are real. Your parents are good example of ones that are real. Even those who help in times of emergencies. Like John Harper, known as the Last Titanic Hero. But this blog post isn’t about heroes or superheroes … It’s about the Ultimate Superhero … Jesus Christ!
Even Kryptonite cannot keep Him away. To us Kryptonite is like sin. It weakens us. He has power over evil. Nothing can stop Jesus. He won! Revelation tells us that. Remember sin brought death. Jesus overcame death and took the victory over sin for us. He gave us eternal life with Him through the ultimate sacrifice that no other superhero can do.
Jesus Is Real and Alive
Remember Jesus Christ is real and He is alive today. He arose from the dead and conquered the grave. Jesus Christ is the ultimate superhero and He always will be … Past, Present and Future. He came to save us all from our sin because He didn’t sin and he over came sin. Jesus actually took our sin on the Cross for us. Jesus showed loved and courage throughout his Ministry. He knew God’s vision of Him dying for our sins. Jesus did whatever it took to full God’s purpose. He was a servant to others. Jesus also shows characteristics of a superhero, but most important He is our Ultimate Superhero. We shouldn’t look to anyone else as a superhero, but Him. He did the most ultimate sacrifice for us. He gave Himself.
National Superhero Day
National Superhero Day is held annually on April 28.
- Bible
- Wikipedia
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
- The Ultimate Hero Lesson with Pastor Jerry
Originally posted November 6, 2013. | Last Republished or updated April 3, 2019.
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