The Three T’s of Giving: Tithe, Time & Talent

The Three T's of GIving: Tithe, TIme & Talent

Talent – Giving T


When we use our talent to benefit the kingdom of God this talent becomes a gift. God gives us a special gift so we can use it to give our talent to other people. Like I can do graphic design. I have helped my church with flyers. Plus, I don’t charge my church for this because I am giving my time to use my talent. I also do some graphic design work to help out a few ministries that benefit the Kingdom of God. Are you using what God talented you with to benefit His Kingdom? Not to mention, are you getting paid to do that or are you giving your time freely with that talent? As you can see time and talent can go hand and hang. I encourage you to give your free time and the talent freely to help the Ministry of the Kingdom of God. He is the one that blessed you with the talent so make it useful and give back to others. You don’t always have to give money back you can give your talent.

By you using any of these three forms of giving you are not only blessing other people, but when you bless others don’t it bless you too? What are ways you give your time and/or talent to benefit the Kingdom of God? Please share below in the comments.

Introduction | Tithe | Time | Talent

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2 thoughts on “The Three T’s of Giving: Tithe, Time & Talent

  1. I have got to do better about being a good steward of what Christ JESUS gives me. I don’t struggle on the financial end of that, but I do struggle with feeling like I’m ‘good enough’ for my feeble talents to be of any use. But a wise gentleman recently reminded me that it isn’t really about what others may or may not think of my talents. I must use it for JESUS- most of all out of worship and gratitude for all that HE has given me. Great post, Sir.

    1. I pray God will free from the attacks of Satan and Free you from doubt to come into your head. That young man is true. We don’t answer to man when you answer to God. And if we don’t use our talent that God has given us, we will hear from God on it. He will chastise us. And we don’t want that. Plus we will have Your face God on Judgment Day on the stuff that we did or did not do. Everything is to give glory and honor to Him and Him alone. Thanks for the comment.

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