Tennessee Historical Commission Announces Historic Preservation Fund Grants – The Tennessee Historical Commission, the State Historic Preservation Office, has announced 32 Federal Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) grants totaling over $750,000 awarded for various historic preservation and archaeological projects throughout the state. The grants are awarded annually for projects that support the preservation of historic and archaeological resources. “This program is one of the main ways in which our office helps protect historic places and contribute to the preservation of Tennessee’s heritage,” said Patrick McIntyre, Executive Director and State Historic Preservation Officer.
The federally funded matching grants provide 60% of project funds from the HPF and 40% of project funds come from the grantee. Grants are competitive and this year the Tennessee Historical Commission staff reviewed 51 applications with funding requests totaling approximately $1.6 million, significantly more than the amount of funding available.
This year’s selection included archaeological surveys, design guidelines for historic districts, rehabilitation of historic buildings, posters highlighting the state’s archaeology, and surveys of historic resources.
One of the grant priorities is for projects that are in Certified Local Governments (CLG), a program that allows communities to participate closely in the federal program of historic preservation. Seven CLG communities were awarded grants this year. Additional priorities include those that meet the goals and objectives of the office’s plan for historic preservation. Properties that use the restoration grants must be listed in the National Register.
The next round of grants is expected to be opened in December 2019 with applications due in January 2020. Check www.tnhistoricalcommission.org for updates.
The counties where the projects are located, grant recipients, funding and descriptions are:
Bradley County
First Presbyterian Church of Cleveland
$28,152 to fund masonry restoration on the National Register-listed First Presbyterian Church.
Carter County
Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park
$5,550 to fund the continuation of paint analysis in the National Register-listed Carter Mansion.
Cheatham County
Tennessee Division of Archaeology
$7,500 to fund an archaeological survey of a CCC Camp in Montgomery Bell State Park.
Claiborne County
Claiborne County Historical Society
$23,058 to fund the restoration of the National Register-listed old Claiborne County Jail.
Claiborne Economic and Community Development Board
$4,260.00 to fund a restoration plan for the National Register-listed Graham-Kivette House.
Coffee County
Tennessee Division of Archaeology
$9,300 to funs an archaeological survey of Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park.
Davidson County
Cheekwood Botanical Gardens and Museum of Art
$25,000 to fund the restoration of historic stone steps at the National Register-listed property.
Frist Art Museum
$25,000 to fund a restoration study of the windows on the National Register listed United States Post Office.
Greene County
Town of Greeneville (CLG)
$12,000 to fund a survey of part of downtown Greeneville.
Grundy County
City of Coalmont
$9,000 to fund the restoration of the National Register-listed Coalmont Bank Building.
Henry County
City of Paris (CLG)
$6,840 to fund the restoration of the National Register-listed Cavitt Place.
Lawrence County
City of Lawrenceburg (CLG)
$38,366 to fund the restoration of the National Register-listed Crockett Theater.
Loudon County
Dunbar Rosenwald School Foundation, Inc.
$40,350 to fund the exterior restoration of the National Register-listed Dunbar Rosenwald School.
McMinn County
City of Athens (CLG)
$1,500 to fund the publication of brochures on the history National Register listed areas.
City of Etowah
$45,600 to fund the restoration of the National Register-listed L & N Depot windows.
Montgomery County
City of Clarksville (CLG)
$15,000 to fund a survey of the downtown.
Perry County
Perry County
$3,360 to fund the restoration of the National Register-listed Cedar Grove Furnace.
Shelby County
City of Memphis (CLG)
$7,200 for Shelby County Planning and Development division to send staff members to the National Alliance of Preservation Commission’s FORUM.
Vollintine Evergreen Community Association
$7,500 to fund design guidelines for the National Register-listed districts that make up the Association.
Sullivan County
City of Bristol TN
$18,000 to fund design guidelines for three National Register-listed districts.
Sullivan County/Blountville (CLG)
$23,268 to fund the restoration of the National Register-listed Anderson Townhouse.
Multi-County Grants
Middle Tennessee State University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
$3,402 for posters for Tennessee Archaeology Week.
Middle Tennessee State University, Fullerton Laboratory for Spatial Technology
$50,000 to digitize data for historic / architectural survey files and for survey data entry for computerization of survey files.
East Tennessee Development District
$42,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position for the East Tennessee Development District.
First Tennessee Development District
$30,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position for the First Tennessee Development District.
Greater Nashville Regional Council
$25,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position for the Greater Nashville Regional Council.
Memphis Area Association of Governments
$25,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position for the Memphis Area Association of Governments.
Northwest Tennessee Development District
$36,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position for the Northwest Tennessee Development District.
South Central Tennessee Development District
$50,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position for the South Central Tennessee Development District.
Southeast Tennessee Development District
$54,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position for the Southeast Tennessee Development District.
Southwest Tennessee Development District
$40,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position for the Southwest Tennessee Development District.
Upper Cumberland Development District
$40,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position for the Upper Cumberland Development District.
For more information about the Tennessee Historical Commission, please visit the Web site at: http://www.tnhistoricalcommission.org.