With Father’s Day coming up, I figured I would do a review of a ministry called “Team Dad”. I learned about them at the 2014 Unity Festival in White Pine, TN. I talked with Rosemary Rogers, Case Manager for Grainger & Jefferson County. She gave me some information. I talked to her about how I am a single father with custody of my daughter and how I don’t get child support. She told the general idea of what Team Dad is all about.

Team Dad

Team Dad logo
Team Dad logo

Team Dad is a local ministry set to help Father’s become a new dad with services like Fathering classes, otherwise known as parenting classes, job finding assistance and much more. The program focuses on lower income fathers between the ages of 18 and 30. However, these services are available to all persons, regardless of race, gender, disability, or religion. Participation in this program is voluntary. The Fathering class is nothing but father’s I was told.

Team Dad is a responsible fatherhood project of Douglas-Cherokee Economic Authority. They are Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service. They are also made up of volunteers who help the ministry.

Team Dad also works with area inmates to help them get reestablished as well.

Fathering Classes


The Fathering classes help prepare dads for the game of life. It is done in a discussion type setting. It goes over what it means to be a man, working with mom, talks about communication, disciple and even work. Their classes follow on the guidelines of the 24-7 Dad Curriculum by the National Fatherhood Initiative. Because we know kids don’t come with manuals. These classes are geared specifically for men.

Job Coaching

Job Coaching is another area of the ministry where they help father’s find jobs. They go over the importance of the father providing for the child financially. These services are free. Each member also gets a memory stick loaded with their resume, work history and important links. This coaching includes resume writing, interview skills, and job searching.


Team Dad also offers Life-Links, to help dad with community information, such as help with child support, resources to get housing, food, health care, etc.  Plus other link resources to help with any barrier that many get in the way.

More information


Check out my Acronym for the word “Father“.

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4 thoughts on “Team Dad

  1. They don’t discriminate either, moms can get the same help, just that in the parenting class they have just dads in it. But all the other services they offer to both moms and dads.

  2. They don’t discriminate either, moms can get the same help, just that in the parenting class they have just dads in it. But all the other services they offer to both moms and dads.

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