October is pastor appreciation month throughout the Southern Baptist Churches. Help show your support for your pastor. #PastorAppreciation #PastorAppreciationMonth #PastorAppreciationDay
Tag: True Life Church

True Life Church – I would like to invite you to True Life Church in Jefferson City, TN. #TrueLifeChurch

“Reflections On Revival” (by Pastor Jimmy Inman of True Life Church) #Revival

Fear is never more than a thought away. If we wait to step out in action until our fear has faded, we will never live the lives we were meant to live. When the questions and worries cross our mind, let the truth of God’s word be more powerful than your fear. It is alright, God is with you. You can do it afraid. Sheila Walsh – It’s Okay not to be Okay

Maybe It’s Okay song by We Are Messengers which reminds me of a sermon by Jimmy Inman of True LIfe Church on We are a place where it is okay not to be okay, but not okay to stay that way.