Harrisburg Covered Bridge. A truss covered bridge, located in Sevierville, TN. A great place to check out a historic covered bridge in East Tennessee. #HarrisburgCoveredBridge
Tag: Tennessee
Updates from the Devastating Gatlinburg Wildfires Destruction – as death roll rises and structures damaged and destroyed list grows. #Gatlinburg #PrayforGatlinburg #PrayforTennessee
Despite the recent rainfall and cooler temperature in Tennessee, wildfire danger still remains high, with 10 new fires on Sunday and a total of 61 fires still burning in the state. Urgent Prayers are still needed for significant amount of rain! #Wildfire #Wildfires #BurnBan #Tennessee
The Stand in the Gap Coalition – SIGCO Pray 2016 – Does that mean God is not hearing or answering the prayers of his followers? We learn in God’s Word that He does not always deliver his people (who are obedient) out of bad situations.
American Bible Society Finds Bible Belt Alive and Well. Find out what cities made the top ten Bible Minded Cities and Tennessee Cities top the list. #BibleMinded #AmericanBibleSociety