Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity -a day where students across our nation will give up their voice for those that cannot speak up, those babies facing abortion. #ProLifeDayofSilentSolidarity #SilentDay #ProLifeGen
Tag: Pro-Life

Pro-Life Exhibit Opened at the Creation Museum – Using the latest scientific discoveries along with teachings from the Bible, a team of artists, technicians, and scientists at the Creation Museum has created a $1.2 million visually striking exhibit, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.

Pro-Life Cupcake Day – Also known as Cupcakes for Life. Help raise awareness of Pro-Life and babies killed from abortion cupcakes. #ProLifeCupCakeDay

The Tennessee Baptist Mission Board Randy David is representing Tennessee Baptist for a week to testify in front of the Senate study committee discussing pro-life legislation in our state. #IStandForLife

Purple Penny Project – The Purple Penny Project is a cry on behalf of the unborn children. A cry for you to see value in what others proclaim as worthless, life! This is part of 911 Babies and Life Village. #PurplePennyProject #911Babies #Abortion #LifeVillage

Mr. Pillow gifts 1 Million To Pro-Life Film – Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow will donate his money to help fund the new movie Unplanned. #UnPlanned #MyPillow

Pro-Life Christians. If we say we’re “pro-life Christians” but on a daily basis pass by the largest unreached and most victimized people group on the planet, the unborn children! How are we any different than the priest and Levite (Luke 10:25-37) who left the robbers’ bloody victim to himself? #ProLife #911Babies

Pro-life means ALL life has dignity, including those on death-row or those wanting to be euthanized. You don’t get to pick and choose. #ProLife #911Babies

911 Babies – a website that is taking a stand against abortion and allowing women to know they have a choice. #911Babies #Abortion #Babies #ProLife