Tag: Police Officers
National Emergency Responders Day
National Emergency Responders Day – a day to honor all the men and women who work in the emergency responding field. #NationalEmergencyRespondersDay #EmergencyRespondersDay
Thank A Police Officer Day
Thank A Police Officer Day – When you see a police officer be sure to thank him or her for their service. I do this to everyone I pass on a daily basis. I encourage you to do the same thing, not just on this one day! #Police #PoliceOfficer #ThankAPoliceOfficerDay #Blue #bluelivesmatter
Project Blue Light
Project Blue Light – A project to light up your porch with a blue light in honor of police and law enforcement who lost their lives while in the line of duty. So help show your support for those who have lost their lives while on the line of duty … Light up your porch or window in blue lights! #ProjectBlueLight #BlueLight