Christianity and Pirates: Examining the Historical Connection – The world of piracy has long captivated our imaginations, often conjuring up images of swashbuckling adventures on the high seas. While piracy is typically associated with lawlessness and immorality, there exists an intriguing historical connection between piracy and Christianity. In this blog post, we will delve into the surprising relationship between Christianity and pirates, exploring the complex dynamics at play during the Age of Sail.
Tag: Pirates

Pirates used a Cat-O-Nine-Tails as punishment – This is similar punishment that Jesus Christ was flogged with. It has often also has been called “A Cat on the Back” (Ten lashes, Nine Tails). #Pirates #PiratesMuseum #CatONineTails #Flogging #bgbg2

A Ship Rose Up Out of the Deep Sea a tail about a ship that arose out of the deep sea.

VeggieTales Parody, “The Family Who Don’t Do Anything” This is from the Esh family. It was posted on Michelle Esh’s Facebook. The Esh family is in Lititz, PA. This is their Our COVID19 Parody #thefamilywhodontdoanything #veggietaleinspired

Aaaarrrrgh! – I saw a blog post with that title when looking for blog post on pirates. #Aaaarrrrgh This blog name is Welcome to the World of Mariners, Pirates, and the Eternal Sea. With a subtitle of Chase Pirates; Live your Dreams. Aarrrgh is one of the defining words in our common psyche when we think of pirates. Bill Hegerich Sr. In his blog post, he mentioned that there is no evidence that real pirates spoke those words. Most of the real pirates came from Irish, Welsh, and English. Speaking

My Adventure on a Private Ship – If I could take a adventure I think it would be on a pirate ship. Not totally sure why I have a fascination with pirates. But I think it would be cool to sell on a pirate ship. #PirateShip #Pirates

Halloween Costumes for those in wheel chairs, sensory issues. Target has rolled out with new costumes for Halloween. They have two designs for those in wheel chairs and two costumes for those special needs with sensory issues.

Burn the Ships by For King and Country – I share the official music video to For KING & COUNTRY and their song Burn the Ships. Plus the lyrics. #BurntheShips

God is like a Compass – Using the analogy of a compass gets you where you need to go, the same applies to God.