5th Day of Christmas Hidden Meaning Printable

Find out when and what was given on the fifth day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #FifthDayofChristmas #Christmas #12DaysofChristmas

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Maybe you thought Disney’s Eeyore from Winnie The Pooh or even DreamWork’s Donkey from Shrek was one of the first talking donkeys right? Well … You may want to look again. The Bible shows us there was a talking donkey long before Eeyore or Donkey came out. #Donkey #Eeyore

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Hidden Books of the Bible Games image

3 Hidden Books of the Bible Games Free Printables – Are three printables great for your youth group, Vacation Bible School and small groups, etc. Try to find the hidden Bible Books of the Bible in a paragraph or two of words. #HiddenBooks #HiddenBooksBible #HiddenBooksoftheBible #FreePrintables

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Christian Pick Up Lines - Dating Couple - Do you like Christian Humor? How about Christian Humor about dating? Check out some of these funny, cheesy or even weird Christian Pick Up Lines (over 40!) #ChristianPickUpLines

Do you like Christian Humor? How about Christian Humor about dating? Check out some of these funny, cheesy or even weird Christian Pick Up Lines (over 40!) #ChristianPickUpLines

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The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden - Gospel Compromise

The Nazarite Vow in Numbers 6:20 – I was recently challenged to give an explanation of Numbers 6:20. I’ll post my response here. Let me know if I missed anything or if you have additional info.
The Nazarite Vow – The Nazarite vow was taken by an individual in order to demonstrate separation, devotion, and consecration to God. The vow was comprised of three specific prohibitions. #NazariteVow #Numbers620 #Wine

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Sanctifying Grace, What is it? We are cleansed. We are sanctified, we have life to the fullness, God is in us, our bodies are temples, we all are tempted but there is a way out, we are not to be troubled or afraid, the resurrection of Christ and the dead, being fruitful, sins of the flesh, fruits of the Spirit, not baring fruit, it is written, how to grow stronger, and successful life verses.

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