Forgiveness can be easier said than done. Do you easily forgive others when they do wrong to you? Have you ever had anyone not forgive you and you wished they did? What does it mean to forgive? #forgiveness #BGBG2
Tag: Love Dare

Christian Apps – Here are some Christian Apps that I use and recommend. #ChristianApps

Safe Sex: Be Married and Faithful – True Love Waits! This pretty much sums up what this blog post is about. Come on and read about it. #TrueLoveWaits #SafeSex

Premarital Biblical Counseling
Premarital Biblical Counseling, a must before you think about tying the knot, about get married.

Never leave your partner alone. A very moving movie about relationships. This is by the Kendrick Brothers. They also produced Courageous. This is a must watch. I know I cried as I watched this. I recommend this movie! I even read the Love Dare book that the movie talks about. #Fireproof

My book review of the Book, The Love Dare. Check out my blog entry to see how I rated this book.

Means of Grace
This blog entry talks about the Means of Grace. It also uses the Wizard of Oz story as an example on the means of Grace.

I just got done reading the book The Resolution for Men by Stephen & Alex Kendrick (Kendrick Brother’s) and with Randy Alcorn. It was edited by Lawrence Kimbrough. I felt lead to share in my blog, my book review of this book.