10 Years of Lilly Bug – 10 years ago Lilly Bug, a calico tortoiseshell cat came into the Patterson Family.
Tag: Lilly Bug

Cuddly Kitten Day – A Day for those adorable and cute, yet cuddly kittens known as baby cats. So what is this holiday? #CuddlyKittenDay

National Cat Day. Another man made holiday for cats. Actually this is to raise awareness for homeless cats and for people to adopt a cat. #CatDay #NationalCatDay

Here for your cat a writing prompt on the SWAT team here for your cat. #cat #cats
Our Kitty Babies Our Kitty Babies This post I was testing out a new Story Feature Post of pictures of our cats, Joel the Brave and Lilly Bug.

VOTD February 7 – Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD! Psalms 150:6
5 Years Ago, I Lilly Bug, got my furever home and was adopted. I also declared this day Calico Cat Day and Tortoiseshell Cat Day. I was adopted by the Patterson’s from a shelter. I cannot Believe it’s been 5 years now. I am glad they gave me my furever home. I’m looking forward to many more years. I was adopted January 24, 2015. I also declared my adoption aka Gotcha Day as Calico Cat Day / Tortoiseshell Cat Day.
Snuck outside
My name is Princess Lillybug Juliet Patterson. Note the Princess part! That means I am the Calico Princess aka Royalty! Just saying!

There is only a few days a year where we both are in charge on the same day.
Lilly Bug in charge on even-numbers Days.

My Gotcha Day- In 2015, I, Lilly Bug, came into my furever home with the Patterson’s. I was at the Jefferson County Humane Society.

Lilly Bug in the Cat Cottage – Busted! Lilly Bug just jumped in the Cat Cottage without treats. She even used one of the scratching post. Then I, Joel the Brave got in it too and Tag Game began. Needless to say we both were no longer in that Cat Cottage. Lilly Bug in the Cat Cottage /\ Joel the Brave /\

Put up in the big bedroom Put up in the big bedroom The maintenance man came to fix the hot water heater. Daddy put brother and I in the same bathroom. So naturally we be getting the fight. Daddy cracked the bathroom door and I escaped. I kept trying to run from him and went into the big bedroom. 🛏 That’s when it hit me,

The Barking Cat 🐈 My name is Lilly Bug and I am a Barking Cat. Yes! I am a cat and I can bark. Cats can memic sounds. #BarkingCat

Calico cats a cat with a bunch of different colors on their fur. But there is so much more to a calico cat.

To get my hoomans attention … Lilly Bug talks about cats imitating sounds.

I’m Lilly Bug, a female calico cat living in Jefferson City, TN and I want to share my adventures with you. I live with my hooman, Steve. Steve is a Christian Blogger at CourageousChristianFather.com