I talk about this new game that most media is calling harmless the Charlie Charlie Challenge. Is it Biblical to consult demons or not? #CharlieCharlieChallenge
Tag: Leviticus

Names of God as it was used in the Old Testament of the Bible, along with a Bible reference for you. Plus a Christian song with one of these names of God in it.

If you’re having SEX and you’re not married it’s not called dating it’s called FORNICATION

God created the union of marriage involving one man and one woman to become one. He didn’t intended for man and man or woman and woman (same-sex marriage).

Risen Warrior “Truth” a Righteous Rock T.V. video. The only people who are mad at you for speaking the truth are those people who are living a lie. #RisenWarrior #RRTV

A billboard in Portland is stirring up controversy. It has the appearance of a Bible, with a Bible verse on one side and a quote on the other.

This blog post I talk whether or not I believe Christians should tattoos and why. #tattoos

Working on Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary
I am starting my Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary. Learn more about what I am studying and track my progress too. #theology

Books of the Old Testament and area of topic. Law, History and Poetry.

Fruit of the Spirit: Forbearance (or Patience)