Survival Kit for Law Enforcement – a goody bag full of candy and messages to help show your support for your local law enforcement officers.
Tag: Law Enforcement

National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement Officers – This is a day set aside to pray for our law enforcement officers. #NationalDayOfPrayerForLawEnforcementOfficers #DayOfPrayerForLawEnforcementOfficers

How to show appreciation to the law enforcement community. When private citizens come into contact with law enforcement, that contact is not always made under ideal circumstances. National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.) is January 9th each year!

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day – a day set aside to show appreciation for the law enforcement community.

Why law enforcement is essential for the community – Law enforcement personnel serve many important roles in the communities they serve.

Project Blue Light – A project to light up your porch with a blue light in honor of police and law enforcement who lost their lives while in the line of duty. So help show your support for those who have lost their lives while on the line of duty … Light up your porch or window in blue lights! #ProjectBlueLight #BlueLight