Signs Your Kitten Imprinted on You — Imprinting in cats is a deep-rooted bond formed during their early social development. While not as rigid as in some species, kittens can form strong attachments to their primary caregivers. Learn more on this blog post. Signs your kitten imprinted on you I’m MissPrints and I was just a new kitten when Steve found me and rescued me. I was so young and imprinted on him. Here are some signs your kitten might be imprinted on you:
Tag: Kittens

Why your cat loves being in your chest — When your cat likes to be on your chest, it’s usually a sign of trust, affection, and comfort. Learn more in this blog post.

National Kitten Day – a day for the soft baby kittens. #NationalKittenDay #KittenDay National Kitten Day Held annually on July 10 since 2015. However, it use to be observed annually on December 4th from 2013 until 2014.

420 Kittens! Yes, you saw that right. There is a cat that has birthed 420 kittens. Now that is a lot of kittens and a big family. Dusty the Cat is the mother of these kittens.