Set sail and discover some Bible stories of the sea like a family survives the great flood, a man swallowed by a whale and lives, hundreds shipwrecked, sea turned to blood, the parted waters and more. #BibleStoriesOfTheSea
Tag: Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference
Anything to do with the Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference in Woodstock, GA. at First Baptist of Woodstock.

Fight the Good Fight – Paul I believe was a sports fan in this case boxing. We are told to fight the good fight of faith. We are in a spiritual battle. One that is unseen to us. Paul tells the Church of Ephesus that we are in a wrestling match and he tells Timothy to fight the good fight of faith.

Check out this Car Wash in Morristown, TN that displayed a Bible verse on its sign about All Things Common from the Book of Acts in the Bible.

What Seems Over Our Head … Is Under His Feet a really good quote to know that Christ has it all. I made a graphic that you can use. Heard at Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference. #JHMC2015

This is the second part to the Matthew West video about the story of his song forgiveness. This is the rest of the story.

This is the video of the story behind the song “Forgiveness” by Matthew West. “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and to discover that prisoner was you.”

In this blog post, I talk about my first experience at the Johnny Hunt’s Mens Conference at First Baptist Church of Woodstock.