Cuddly Kitten Day – A Day for those adorable and cute, yet cuddly kittens known as baby cats. So what is this holiday? #CuddlyKittenDay
Tag: Joel the Brave

National Cat Day. Another man made holiday for cats. Actually this is to raise awareness for homeless cats and for people to adopt a cat. #CatDay #NationalCatDay
Our Kitty Babies Our Kitty Babies This post I was testing out a new Story Feature Post of pictures of our cats, Joel the Brave and Lilly Bug.
Snuck outside
Firefighter Name Tag – my hoomans got me a name tag in the shape of a firefighter badge. They got it from a flea market in Kodak, TN. It has my name and dadda hoomans phone number on it.

There is only a few days a year where we both are in charge on the same day.

I, Joel the Brave, like to feed my string. I will fetch my string and bring it to my food bowl, so it can eat too.
My name is Joel the Brave and I am Large and In Charge! Well, I am in charge on odd numbered days.
String Game – My name is Joel the Brave and I like playing String Game. It’s simple, a basic string like a shoe lace and the cat chases and/or fetches it.

Joel the Brave – a rescued Black American Short Hair Cat. He is part of the family and I would like you to meet him and please welcome him to the Patterson Furever home. #JoeltheBrave

Utterly Stuck – Joel the Brave gets stuck in the bathroom. This is his story.

Meow. Hello. I am Joel The Brave (no leave the Brave part off).My story is different than my friend Lilybug’s. I was born into a small litter. My meow mom’s hoomans were nice, but seemed to be bothered by me.