April Fools Day – Atheist Day – The fool hath said in his heart there is no God and this is no foolish joke either. Find out what the Bible says about the fool. #Fool #AprilFools #AprilFoolsDay #AtheistDay
Tag: fool
Two ways to be fooled – believing in something not true or not believing what is true. #truth #fooled #bgbg2
Proverbs 26: Day 26 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Twenty Six of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs26 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge
VOTD April 27 – “A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back.” Proverbs 29:11 NASB
VOTD April 26 – “Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly.” Proverbs 26:11 NASB
VOTD April 1 – The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds;
There is no one who does good. Psalms 14:1