Podcast of Courageous Christian Father – Maybe trying to make an audio version of blog posts from Courageous Christian Father. #Podcast #ChristianPodcast Podcast of Courageous Christian Father I have been thinking about doing this for awhile now, with some of my older and even the newer blog post, also making them into a podcast, by including an audio file of the post. Basically, it would be me just reading the posts and sharing an audio format such as an mp3 to the post. I can do this for new post
Tag: Courageous Christian Father

Courageous Christian Father is a Christian Blog, Daddy Blog, Family Blog, Recipe Blog, Review Blog and more. Mostly blogging about God, Bible, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as well as the Christian Family.

Check out the memo pads I got printed up for Courageous Christian Father. I used Lee Publishing in White Pine, TN.

2015 Annual Report for Courageous Christian Father. Find out all the stats from 2015. How many blog post published, top 10 blog post, longest streak, top referring sites, posting patterns and much more.