Think Green (Reuse or Recycle) Those Christmas Cards that you get. Don’t just toss them in the garbage. Bring new life to these Christmas Cards. (Greeting Cards)
Tag: Christmas Cards

This is a greeting card with the Top Ten Politically Correct Christmas Carols. IF the PC police came in and changed things, I am sure this is how the Christmas Carols… um Holiday … um Winter Songs would be that is listed on this greeting card.

Help Addie Lynn have a great Christmas. This Christmas 2014, Send Addie Christmas Cards that is her wish! Please share to help get the word out! #ChristmasCards
Craig Shergold, an Urban Legend. This legend has been around for quiet some time. It was of a boy dieing of brain cancer wishing to get most greeting cards and then got translated as business cards somehow. I am sure you got the e-mail (chain letter) on this. Read about this legend.