Printable Grace Cards

I made a printable Grace Card. This is from the movie Grace Card. If you haven’t seen it yet, it is a must watch Christian movie. It is a very moving and even an emotional movie. This movie covers the power of forgiveness and even prejudice and how these two people may over come their prejudices and possibly become good friends. (the Synopsis is below)

Below is the words on the Grace Card from the movie Grace Card.

“I promise to pray for you every day,
ask for forgiveness, grant you the same and
be your friend always.”

The Trailer

Below is the trailer to it.

Printable Grace Cards

You can download this printable Grace Cards by clicking on the image below. If you want you can create your own. You can use the below example to create your own. It should be in a pdf document to download.

Grace Cards (click to download pdf version)
Grace Cards (click to download pdf version)

[pullquote]Every day, we have the opportunity to rebuild relationships and heal deep wounds by extending and receiving God’s grace.[/pullquote]After you print them off. You will cut out a separate one alone. Then hold onto it and give that Grace Card to anyone who needs prayers, grace, or forgiveness. You may also give it to anyone who has wronged you or hurt you.

It even said in the movie, “If someone plays the race card, you give them the grace card.”

If you watch the movie you will get a great understanding on this.

The Synopsis

This is the synopsis of the movie taken from their web site:1

Everything can change in an instant … and take a lifetime to unravel.

When Mac McDonald loses his son in an accident, the ensuing 17 years of bitterness and pain erodes his love for his family and leaves him angry with God … and just about everyone else.

Mac’s rage stonewalls his career in the police department and makes for a combustible situation when he’s partnered with Sam Wright, a rising star on the force who happens to be a part-time pastor and a loving family man.

Mac’s home life is as frightening as anything he encounters on the streets of Memphis. Money is tight and emotions run high as he constantly argues with his wife and his surviving son Blake, who is hanging with the wrong crowd and in danger of flunking out of school.

Sam Wright also never expected to be a police officer. He has a calling—to be a minister like his Grandpa George. But leading a small, start-up church doesn’t always put enough food on the table for a young family, so Sam doubles as a police officer. With his new promotion to Sergeant, Sam starts questioning if his real calling might actually be police work rather than the pastorate.

Can Mac and Sam somehow join forces to help one another when it’s impossible for either of them to look past their differences—especially the most obvious one?

Every day, we have the opportunity to rebuild relationships and heal deep wounds by extending and receiving God’s grace. Offer THE GRACE CARD … and never underestimate the power of God’s love.

First published May 5, 2012. Republishing April 7, 2015

Click here to See Other Free Printables!

About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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