I was looking at Google+ and #TalkLikeAPirateDay, since it is International Talk Like A Pirate Day and I saw this post, this person shows Pirate Pancakes. Now I am not going to take the recipe and use it on here, instead, I will share the link so you can go visit the Kara’s Blog: TheJoyofBoys.com.
To see the actual recipe, click the Pirate Pancake image below.

I cannot take credit for this, but these are very neat and I thought I had to share with my readers so you can make some too. Please visit The Joy of Boys blog today.
You can click the photo above or visit: thejoysofboys.com/pirate-pancakes-talk-like-pirate-day to get the recipe and how to make these delicious looking pirate pancakes.
Side note, that blog also shows you how to make Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtle Pancakes, Angry Birds Waffles and Pacman Waffles and more. Great things to make for the family. So and visit this blog today! Many, many more great ways to get creative with food and maybe get your picky child to eat something they might not normally eat. Kara is a mom of 4 boys according to her blog, so I would say she would know all about picky eaters.
While you are at, go follow my blog and then go follow The Joy of Boys.
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