Preachers Away

When Pastors Away the Mice Play. I don’t think people’s priorities are where they should be. It is sad to see when the pastor is gone that attendance is low. It is like the people follow the pastor and not Jesus Christ. Besides we must love the things Jesus loves and that includes the church! Jesus died for the church and so must we be willing to die for it. How can you die for the church if you lay out when the pastor is gone?

When Pastors Away the Mice Play

Each year when our pastor goes on vacation, it seems we have the lowest attendance in Sunday School from all year. Then, we have a guest preacher and not many people in the church. But, those that do come, you can tell are the faithful members!

I was thinking in my head when the pastor is away the mice will play. Another church member and I talked and he said the same thing to me and I was like that’s funny I was thinking the same thing. I think I heard a couple other church members say the same thing about when the pastors away.

When Pastors Away the Mice Play



When the pastor is away the mice will play. We usually hear it like when the boss is away the employees will play or when the parents are away the kids will play. Even when the teacher is away the students will play. Gonna give the idea of when the cat’s away the mice will play. We have 130 on our Sunday School Roll. We usually average 60-70 per Sunday in Sunday School. In 2014, that Sunday when the pastor was on vacation, we had 46 in Sunday School in 2014 vacation.


This year, 2015, we only had 36 in Sunday School. Even the guest pastor made a note and say you know the old saying when the cat is away the mice will play. That reminded me of this blog post, I already had it on my heart.


I didn’t write about this in 2016. But, I do know the stats was low then too.


Even in 2017, we had 34. Usually the Sunday when our pastor is on vacation, is our lowest Sunday ever! Sunday night service is where you find your more loyal church members.

I am not singling out anyone here. Not to mention, I know some are sick, some were out-of-town or on vacation as well. I am just making a general observation. I felt led to write a brief about this.

Usually when somebody of leadership is away it seems like everybody else goofs off , is absent or slacks. With Christ we can’t slack! Plus, we cannot  be ashamed we have to show for total in full support for Christ.

One thing we have to remember God is always watching! so if your pastors ever away please try to attend. Show encouragement and support for the guest pastor. After all it’s not the pastor we follow Jesus Christ who we follow.

Our pastor has said just because I’m away doesn’t mean you have to be. I felt led to write this to give some food for thought.

But we also have another factor of to consider is a lot of people are on vacation and its close to a major holiday. Which brings me to another point, do you take a vacation from church?

Remember God knows that you laid out, the pastor may not know then again, the pastor may know too. But remember God always know if you were able to attend or not and choose to put something else ahead of the church.

Does your church seem to have small numbers around either holidays or when you have a guest pastor?
I want to hear from you your comments are welcome.

First published July 1, 2014. Last Republished July 10, 2017.

Vacation from church?

God is Always Watching



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6 thoughts on “When Pastors Away the Mice Play

  1. Hopefully they had good reason for missing. But we need to have the mindset that church attendance is not to impress anyone but to worship God. It does not depend on who is preaching.

  2. You are very right. It is for our benefit to learn more about Him, to get convicted, to correct what needs correcting. etc. God expects us to be in fellowship with other believers.

  3. Personally I think it’s awesome to hear the message from the fresh perspective of a ‘guest pastor’. Thank you for sharing this, I hope it provokes a change in attitude for those hearts in need.

  4. I do agree it does give a fresh and outside message. I agree. May God convict those who didn’t go that could cause there are tons of people who want to go and can’t. Church isn’t something to take for granted.

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