Pastor Saeed Abedini has been freed, as Franklin Graham is reporting that Pastor Saeed Abedini was freed from Irian prison where he was held as a prisoner for sharing the gospel in Iran. Plus 3 others imprisoned.
I believe Saeed has served 5 years already of the 8 years sentence.
This is a quote from Franklin Graham’s facebook page.
Pastor Saeed Abedini Freed
We have just received word that Saeed Abedini, who has been imprisoned in Iran for his Christian faith, has been released along with the other three Americans who were held there. We praise God for answered prayer and thank all of you who have prayed faithfully for his release!
According to CNN the release of these prisoners were due to a swap deal. Details are just coming in as this just recently happened. No word on what the swap deal was either. I am speculating but I am sure it was a trade of Iranian Criminals or something similar.
Those also freed are
- Marine Veteran Amir Hekmati
- Washington Post Journalist Jason Rezaian
- Other name not released at this time of of the blog post
Prayer Vigils were held in September 2014 and 2015 for Pastor Saeed Abedini.
Please continue to keep Pastor Saeed Abedini, Amir Hekmati & Jason Rezaian in your prayers as they transition from being a prisoner back to life and for their families too. Keep all those people and families still in prison in other countries for sharing their faith in prayers too. Including those being killed, tortured and more.
I know this report is new and not much is known.This is the information that I know and have seen at the time of publishing this blog post. If I find out more, I will update this blog post or publish a new blog post all together. Follow this blog post so you won’t miss a blog post that is published.