Assorted-photos and Notebook
Posted in Christian God Scrapbooking

God’s Eternal Scrapbooking: The Holy Scroll of Remembrance

God’s Eternal Scrapbooking: The Holy Scroll of Remembrance – In our fast-paced and ever-changing world, it is easy to lose sight of the enduring nature of God’s love and care for us. As Christians, we find comfort in knowing that God is actively involved in our lives, cherishing every moment and documenting our journey through the Holy Scroll of Remembrance. In this blog post, we will explore the profound concept of God as an eternal scrapbooker, capturing the essence of His relationship with His children and drawing us closer to Him. #scrapbooking

Posted in John Piper Theology

Who is John Piper

Exploring the Legacy of John Piper: A Renowned Theologian and Author – In Christian Theology and Christian literature, few names carry as much weight and influence as that of John Piper. Throughout his career, John Piper has made significant contributions to evangelical Christianity, leaving a lasting impact on countless individuals around the globe. Through his writings, sermons, and overall ministry, Piper’s deep commitment to God’s glory and the supremacy of Christ have resonated with believers seeking spiritual depth and a biblical worldview. In this blog post, we delve into the life, teachings, and lasting legacy of John Piper. #JohnPiper

Posted in Analogy Christian Influencer Pears

The Rotten Pear and the Good Pear: The Contagious Influence of Wrong Associations

The Rotten Pear and the Good Pear: The Contagious Influence of Wrong Associations – In the journey of faith, our associations and relationships play a significant role in shaping our character and influencing our spiritual growth. Just as a rotten pear can cause a good pear to spoil, being too close to the wrong people can have a similar effect on our lives as Christians. In this blog post, we will explore the powerful analogy of the rotten pear and the good pear, highlighting the dangers of negative associations and the importance of choosing our companions wisely.

Posted in Tailgate Preacher

Unveiling the Phenomenon of the Tailgate Preacher

Unveiling the Phenomenon of the Tailgate Preacher – The world is full of unique characters and intriguing phenomena that capture our attention and pique our curiosity. One such fascinating phenomenon that has gained popularity in recent years is the concept of the “tailgate preacher.” Imagine a lively sporting event, filled with fans eagerly waiting for the game to begin, when suddenly, amidst the sea of jerseys and face paint, a preacher appears, passionately delivering a sermon from the back of a truck or near the tailgate area. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of tailgate preachers, exploring who they are, their motivations, and the impact they have on those around them. #tailgatepreacher

Posted in Christian

Let Fate Decide: Using a See and Say to Choose Your Next Restaurant

Let Fate Decide: Using a See and Say to Choose Your Next Restaurant – undecided where to go out to eat? Get the I don’t know what do you want repeat? Then use a see and say to determine where to eat out.

luggage, bags, suitcase
Posted in Jesus Christ

Jesus Takes Our Baggage: Finding Freedom in Christ

Jesus Takes Our Baggage: Finding Freedom in Christ – In our journey through life, we often find ourselves burdened by the weight of our past mistakes, regrets, and struggles. We carry the baggage of guilt, shame, and pain, unable to move forward and experience the freedom that God desires for us. However, as Christians, we have a remarkable truth to hold onto: Jesus takes our baggage. In Him, we find release, restoration, and redemption. Let us explore how surrendering our burdens to Jesus can transform our lives and lead us to a place of healing and freedom.

Posted in Death Heaven

Letting Go: When Material Possessions Stay Behind

Letting Go: When Material Possessions Stay Behind – In our lives, we accumulate various possessions that hold sentimental value or are simply useful to us. However, when the time comes for us to depart from this world, it is important to recognize that these earthly belongings do not accompany us into the realm of eternity. Instead, they often find themselves dispersed through estate sales or auctions. While this reality may seem disheartening at first, it offers us an opportunity to reflect on the true nature of our existence and prioritize what truly matters. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of letting go of material possessions and focus on the eternal treasures that await us in Heaven.

red and gray shovel on gray sand
Posted in Faith God Prayer

If I pray for God to move a mountain, I’ll wake up next to A shovel

If I pray for God to move a mountain, I’ll wake up next to A shovel – Trusting God’s Plan When Praying for Miracles. In the realm of faith, we often encounter the phrase, “If I pray for God to move a mountain, I’ll wake up next to a shovel.” This statement reflects the tension between our heartfelt prayers for miraculous intervention and the way God often chooses to work through us, equipping us with the tools necessary to overcome obstacles. As Christians, it is essential to understand that while we fervently seek God’s intervention, He may lead us down unexpected paths to achieve His purposes. Let us explore the significance of this idea and how it can deepen our faith journey.

Posted in Lottie Moon Missions

Who was Lottie Moon?

Lottie Moon: A Trailblazer for Missions – In Christian missions, few names stand as tall as that of Lottie Moon. Her indomitable spirit, unwavering faith, and selfless dedication to spreading the Gospel in China have left an indelible mark on the history of Christian missionary work. This blog post aims to shed light on the life and legacy of Lottie Moon, a trailblazer who broke barriers and inspired countless others to follow in her footsteps. #LottieMoon

Posted in Annie Armstrong Christian Missions

Who was Annie Armstrong

Annie Armstrong: A Pioneer of Missions and Compassion – Annie Armstrong was a remarkable figure in the world of Christian missions and humanitarian work. Her unwavering dedication and passion for serving others have left an indelible mark on countless lives. In this blog post, we will explore the life and legacy of Annie Armstrong, highlighting her significant contributions to missions and her lasting impact on the world. #AnnieArmstrong

Posted in International Mission Board Missions

The International Mission Board: Spreading Hope Across Borders

The International Mission Board: Spreading Hope Across Borders – In a world that is increasingly interconnected, the need for global cooperation and understanding has never been more crucial. One organization that has dedicated itself to this mission is the International Mission Board (IMB). Founded on the principles of compassion, faith, and service, the IMB has become a beacon of hope, spreading its message of love and assistance to people in need all around the world. In this blog post, we will delve into the work of the International Mission Board and explore the impact they have made on a global scale.

Posted in Blessing Boxes Christian Ministries Tennessee

Operation Inasmuch installing free blessing boxes

Operation Inasmuch installing free blessing boxes – At Operation Inasmuch, compassion is at the heart of our mission. They envision a compassionate movement that extends throughout our country and the world, starting with the church. As a ministry, they are dedicated to supporting this movement of compassion in any way they can.

Posted in Southern Baptist Convention

The Southern Baptist Convention: A Closer Look at its History and Influence

The Southern Baptist Convention: A Closer Look at its History and Influence – The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is one of the largest Protestant denominations in the United States, with a rich history spanning over 175 years. Known for its conservative theology and emphasis on evangelism, the SBC has played a significant role in shaping American Christianity. In this blog post, we will delve into the origins of the SBC, its core beliefs, organizational structure, and its influence on American religious landscape.

Posted in Belgic Confession Faith Theology

Understanding the Belgic Confession of Faith: A Solid Foundation for Reformed Theology

Understanding the Belgic Confession of Faith: A Solid Foundation for Reformed Theology – In the rich tapestry of Christian history, the Belgic Confession of Faith holds a significant place. This historic Reformed document has played a vital role in shaping the beliefs and practices of countless believers over the centuries. Its enduring influence stems from its clear articulation of core theological doctrines and its unwavering commitment to biblical truth. In this blog post, we will explore the origins, key elements, and enduring relevance of the Belgic Confession of Faith. #BelgicConfession

Posted in Bible God

The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” is often attributed to scripture

The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” is often attributed to scripture, but in reality, it is not found in the Bible. Rather, it has become a popular adage ingrained in common discourse. However, as Christians, it’s important to understand that this sentiment conflicts with the teachings of our faith. The Bible emphasizes that our reliance should be on God, not solely on our own abilities. Let’s explore this further and discover what it truly means to depend on God’s strength in all aspects of our lives. #bgbg2

Posted in Christian

My response to a ministry business post

My response to a ministry business post – Yes, your employees shouldn’t be treated like this, yet we do live in a fallen sinful world. But, no matter how people treat us, we should still treat them as Jesus would.

Posted in Cross Jesus Christ

The victim on the cross became the victor over sin and death

The victim on the cross became the victor over sin and death – When Jesus was crucified, He was seen as a victim, an innocent man suffering at the hands of those in power. But in reality, Jesus was not a victim, but a victor. His death on the cross marked the ultimate victory over sin and death, and is the foundation of the Christian faith.

Posted in Books Dane C. Ortlund

Exploring the Depths of God’s Love: A Journey through “Gentle and Lowly” by Dane C. Ortlund

Exploring the Depths of God’s Love: A Journey through “Gentle and Lowly” by Dane C. Ortlund (The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers) In a world filled with noise, chaos, and uncertainty, it’s comforting to encounter a book that draws us closer to the heart of God. “Gentle and Lowly” by Dane C. Ortlund is a compelling exploration of the beautiful character of Jesus Christ, inviting readers to discover the depths of God’s love, compassion, and mercy. In this blog post, we delve into the profound insights and transformative truths found within the pages of this remarkable book.

Posted in Christian Dane C. Ortlund

Who is Dane C. Ortlund

Discovering the Profound Impact of Dane C. Ortlund: A Theological Voice for Our Time – In the realm of theology and Christian thought, certain voices emerge that shape the way we understand and experience our faith. One such influential figure is Dane C. Ortlund, a gifted theologian, pastor, and writer whose insights have resonated deeply with individuals seeking a richer understanding of God’s love and grace. In this blog post, we will explore the life, works, and contributions of Dane C. Ortlund, and how his teachings have impacted the lives of many.

Cat facts to purr over - Cats make for fascinating pets and are loved by people for myriad reasons. Here is a list of facts about cats! #Cats #CatFacts
Posted in Cats

National Kitten Day

Kittens are undeniably adorable creatures that bring joy and happiness into our lives. And what better way to celebrate these furry friends than with Kitten Day! Held annually on July 10th, this day is dedicated to honoring these soft baby kittens and raising awareness about their well-being.