Outdoor Truths – Father’s Day

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller - Father's Day

This is this weeks Outdoor Truth with Gary Miller titled Father’s Day.

Outdoor Truths – Father’s Day

I have never been a big holiday guy. It seems there are so many now that they’re almost no different from any other day of the week. They have evolved so much that even Ground-Hog Day has national television coverage. Father Day, however, is special to me. Not only because I am one but because I am old enough now to realize the great affect that fathers have on their children. I have also discovered the lasting memories we have toward our fathers are the ones that involve time and togetherness. Have you ever noticed when we talk about our childhood years with our father that most of time it’s about some trip or activity. The good memories I have are not of my father’s long work days, nor are they of the occasional dollar that I was handed. Instead they are made up of the times when he gave me what money could not buy. That’s why I do all I can to tell you about the joys of hunting and fishing. For me they are great tools that God has given me to use in the shaping of my children. They serve as a frame that will surround the pictures that a son or a daughter will remember for a lifetime. They pave the street for great conversation and bridge the generation gap.

I have written about hunting and fishing memories every single week for the past 13 years. After that many articles, the stories I tell are mostly spawned by recent events. But every now and then a new “past” memory comes to mind. And the best ones are still from my days as a youth on the banks of the canal or in the woods behind my house. Your son’s or daughter’s memories will be the same. Make sure the memory they have will include you, dad. Whether it’s baiting a hook for the next bluegill, calming a racing heart when that doe comes into the field, or being in the stands during a baseball game, make sure you are a part of that type of memory. Otherwise, the memories of you will only include the side note that you weren’t there.

Gary Miller

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DISCLAIMER: The views, beliefs and opinions expressed in this article, Outdoor Truths, are those of Gary Miller and do not necessarily reflect the views, beliefs or opinions of Courageous Christian Father. Outdoor Truth’s is a syndicated article published in various newspaper and online sources and has been used on Courageous Christian Father with permission from Gary Miller. #OutdoorTruths

About the Author

Author: Gary Miller

Gary began pursuing his desire to write a newspaper column to hunters and fishermen that would lead them to contemplate their relationship with their Creator. The column was picked up by two newspapers. After these many years now, it covers much of the country not only through several newspapers but also through regional magazines and online. His writing provided opportunities to speak to these same hunters and fishermen at events such as Beast Feasts. The results were men giving their lives to Christ. Even though he was not raised in a hunting or fishing home, Gary has followed his heart to the water and woods since he was a child. What started on the banks of the local canal catching carp, now extends to every part of his life as he aims outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen toward Christ.

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