Mr. Peanut comes back as a baby in the Super Bowl Commercial. In a prior post, I shared the leaked commercial where Mr. Peanut Died. #MrPeanut
You see him buried and various Protector and Gamble characters at the funeral like Mr. Clean and the Kool-Aid Man.
Then you see the Kool-Aid Man crying …
His tears watered that grave and out came a baby Mr. Peanut. Mr. Peanut says …
“I’m back, Where’s my monocle?”
Mr. Peanut
This new commercial is causing a lot of confusion with people. It sure has confused me too. I am not sure what their point on doing this was or motivation. Other than they thought it would bring response for people to buy nuts. But, I think it got people talking and confused in other ways.
What are your thoughts on this Super Bowl Commercial?
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