Most Sinful States in America – Find out what the most sinful states are in the United States. Did the state you live in make the list? Read on to find out! You might be surprised! #SinfulStates

Most Sinful States in America
Adam McCann with WalletHub wrote an article and had a poll done to find the most sinful states.
Most Sinful States in America – Find out what the most sinful states are in the United States. Did the state you live in make the list? Read on to find out! You might be surprised! #SinfulStates Share on XI share the top 5, they have a list of all the 50 states.
- Nevada
- Texas
- Florida
- California
- Georgia
Tennessee where I lived ranked 6th! Kentucky the state to my North ranked 27th. North Carolina the state to my East ranked 14th.
Vermont was the 50th State.
They also broke it down into sections … See below
Anger and & Hate (Most Violent Crimes per Captia)
Tied in 1st place was Alaska, New Mexico and Tennessee.
Jealousy (Most thefts per capita)
In first place is New Mexico
Excesses & Vices (Most excessive drinking)
Iowa ranks the top
Avarice (Highest Share of Population with Gambling Disorders)
Mississippi ranks on top.
Lust (Highest average time spent on Adult Entertainment Sites)
Mississippi also ranked on top here.
Vanity (Most Beauty Salons per Capita)
New York ranks top here.
Laziness (Highest % of Adults Not Exercising)
Guess what! Mississippi was top here as well.
Tennessee where I live, didn’t rank in the five highest or the five lowest on the above areas. You can check out their website to see what states were the highest five and what states were the lowest five in those areas.
This was reviewed from 47 key indicators of immorality.
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Being from Iowa, I Cant say I’m excited that Iowa ranks top for excessive drinking. kind of surprised me!!
I figured some of these would surprise people. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Some states I figured would make the top, didn’t.