Middlesboro Wing Fling Festival 2017

Middlesboro Wing Fling 2017 #MiddlesboroWingFling

Middlesboro Wing Fling Festival 2017 – This weeks Travel Thursday – Enjoy sampling some chicken wings at this food festival in Middlesboro, KY.

Middlesboro Wing Fling Festival 2017

This weeks Travel Thursday features the Middlesboro Wing Fling Festival 2017. Heather of SimplySpokn took me to this even August 5, 2017. This was my first food festival! We got to sample wings from various restaurants around the area. I actually enjoyed this event and looking forward to future ones here.

This was the Third Annually!

Middlesboro Wing Fling Festival , I believe this is held the first Saturday in August each year.

One of the cons of this event was, most of the time booths would run out of wings and waiting on more wings to be cooked. That often created a line to that station. That didn’t help much with the time limit for judging either. So Heather and I would skip it and continue on. Then come back if we had time. That way we can sample them before the judging ended.

I remember a British guy was at the event and he traded his tickets for wings at a place that he liked the best. He asked them for another wing, for a ticket. They gladly took the tickets and gave him three more wings. That sounds like cheating, but I am sure it happens more often than we think.

Middlesboro Wing Fling Festival 2017 #MiddlesboroWingFling

As you can see from the picture above there were 15 stations we could sample a wing from. We used the back of the card to take notes. However, those cards are small and hard to jot down a lot, especially if you are like me and write big.

Middlesboro Wing Fling Festival 2017 Vendors


1. Young Wings

I don’t think we got to this chicken wing station. If we did, I don’t have any notes on the chicken wing.

2. SchWING!

This was my top pick! They had a smoked flavored wing. It was very good. This is one of the ones both Heather and I voted for. Not to mention, Heather and I both put two tickets in. We would have put all three in, but we wanted to show respect for the fire department for their service. But their chicken wings were good too.

3. Smithfield

Their wing was okay, I tried the teriyaki flavored chicken wing.


They had a spicy wing, however the skin wasn’t crispy. I like crispy skin on my chicken wings.

5. B&S BBQ

I got hot and Heather got BBQ. I don’t believe I liked this chicken wing, I have a note saying horrible.

6. Just Wing It

They are a really good chicken wing.

7. Pizza Hut of Middlesboro

I got the spicy garlic flavored chicken wing. Heather got he Honey BBQ. We both thought their chicken wings were okay.

8. Big Wingers

Theirs was a bit salty. I didn’t like them much.

9. The Short Saucers

I didn’t even attempt to eat their chicken wing, as it looked raw. It looked like it wasn’t even cooked. I didn’t want to take a chance. I would have to say theirs may have been the worse chicken wing there.

10. Fountain Square Wing Team

I don’t think we got to this chicken wing station. If we did, I don’t have any notes on the chicken wing.

11. Balmoral Wings

I had to get their chicken wing after the judging. As they kept running out and having a long line. I don’t recall how their chicken wing tasted.

12. J.R. Hoe

I had to get their chicken wing after the judging. As they kept running out and having a long line. I don’t recall how their chicken wing tasted.

13. First Baptist Church

Their chicken wing you could taste the peanut oil used to fry the chicken wings in. So if you have a peanut food allergy, beware some of these vendors may use peanut oil to cook in. I also had to get their chicken wing after the judging too, As they kept running out and having a long line.

14. 606 Wings

They had a really good dry rub chicken wing. I remember they even gave us some jelly beans.

15. Middlesboro Fire Deptartment

The Middlesboro Fire Department won! I did like their wings, both Heather and I did gave them one vote. I voted for them, mainly to show my support for the fire department. Plus, they did have a good wing, and even gave you a cup of sweet tea to drink. Not only that, they had some celery free too. Buffalo Chicken Wings and celery go hand and hand.

What is your experience?

Feel free to share your experience with food festivals. What kind was it? Your comments are welcome!

Next year, I will bring me a notebook to take better notes.
So, you may see me blog about the 2018 Middlesboro Wing Fling Festival …
August 4, 2018!

This will be the Fourth Annually Event in 2018!

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