May the Lord be with You Bezeugen Gospel Tract

May the LORD be with you! The 4th of May is usually known as Star Wars Day. You’ll hear May the Fourth Be with you taking off from the movie May the Force be with you. #StarWarsDay #FourthBeWithYou #LordBeWithYou

May the LORD be with you


You don’t need the FOURTH to be with you nor do you need the FORCE to be with you.All you need is the LORD, God being with you.

He is the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the father but through Jesus. We answer to God in the end not anyone or anything else. That is why we don’t need the force or the fourth being with us.

So we don’t need a force or the fourth to be with us, but we need the LORD and the LORD only!

May the Lord be with You Bezeugen Gospel Tract
May the Lord be with You Bezeugen Gospel Tract

If you look deep into Star Wars it’s on the lines of yin and yang. There is a little good in the bad and a little bad in the good. Basically saying there is a duality in everything.

This goes against the nature of God. There is no bad in the nature of God and there is no good in the nature of the devil. In the Star Wars there is the Dark Side and Light Side but each has a speck of each in them. But with God, it is either all darkness (sin) or all light (His Son) and there is no duality in the nature of either God or Satan.

Since we are talking about Star Wars, here is a funny video to check out, what if Darth Vader joined your small group.

The image above is of a gospel tract from Bezeugen Tract Club. You can join them for free and get thirty free gospel tracts per month. The Top with May the Lord be with you is the front and the bottom with all the verbiage is the back of the gospel tract. When you joined tell them you heard about them from Courageous Christian Father.

See if you know who said it, Hans Solo or Jesus?

#maythe4thbewithyou #maythefourth #starwarsday #maytheLordbewithyout #maytheLord

First published May 4, 2016. Last republished or updated May 4, 2024.

May the LORD be with you!

Star Wars blog posts

Star Wars

In a blog, far, far away … Steve at Courageous Christian Father did several Star Wars related blog posts! Be sure to check out ALL of these Star Wars related blog posts! #StarWars

  1. Darth Vader Cat
  2. Darth Vader’s Guide to Face Masks
  3. Famous Masks in History
  4. May the Fourth be with you
  5. May the LORD be with you
  6. Merciful like the Mandalorian
  7. Star Peace
  8. Star Wars Day
  9. Survey Asks Who Said It: Han Solo or Jesus?
  10. What if Darth Vader Joined Your Small Group?

Check out Courageous Christian Father’s Wish list on Amazon where you can purchase and this items sent directly to him and they will be used for the ministry.

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