This is the story behind the song “Forgiveness” by Matthew West. They played this video at the Johnny Hunt’s Men’s Conference 2015. (#JHMC2015). This video is about a story of forgiveness. Forgiveness was the theme of the Johnny Hunt’s Men’s Conference 2015. I will share my second experience in a post coming up.
This is the part 1 of the video. They only played part 1 at the conference. I knew after seeing this video I had to share it. Forgiveness is something that’s on my heart because this is something very serious and want to share it with others. Check out my blog post on forgiveness.
Also if you know Matthew West, he writes songs about issues people face and helps to offer encouragement and hope to others through those songs. Renee Napier is the one who wrote Matthew West and he then came up with the song “Forgiveness”.
I wanted to share the lyrics to my readers too. So those are below.
[pullquote]“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and to discover that prisoner was you.” [/pullquote]
Forgiveness lyrics:
It’s the hardest thing to give away
And the last thing on your mind today
It always goes to those who don’t deserveIt’s the opposite of how you feel
When the pain they caused is just too real
Takes everything you have to say the wordForgiveness
It’s always angers own worst enemy
Even when the jury and the judge
Say you’ve got a right to hold a grudge
It’s the whisper in your ear saying, “set it free”Forgiveness
Lord, show me how to love the unlovable
Teach me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossibleForgiveness
It can clear the bitterness away
It can even set a prisoner free
There is no end to what its power can doSo, let it go and be amazed
By what you see through eyes of Grace
The prisoner that it really frees is youForgiveness
You will want to see the rest of the story. Click Here for The Rest of the Story (Part 2)
This song by Matthew West is one of my favorites by him. I think that is because forgiveness is on my heart for a message. I hope that the song and the story behind the song can encourage you and make have you look more into forgiving. This blog post showed part 1 and the link above will take you to part 2.
The pull quote by by Lewis B. Smedes which also kind of recaps part of the lyrics from Matthew West’s song.