Marine Corp Veteran Carries Cross 12 Miles on Veterans Day 2019 in Florida. That is exactly what this Marine Corp Veteran did. 34-year-old Tobiah Steinmetz, carried the 10-foot tall cross that weighed 75 pounds for 12 miles. Plus, Steinmetz was in full dress uniform!
“It looks like I’m carrying the cross, but the cross is carrying me.”
Tobiah Steinmetz

See Ortiz Tweet below …
You may have driven by him, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran in his dress uniform walked across Palm Beach County while carrying this large wooden cross, a sign of his religious faith. His journey and the surprises be found along the way, at 11p @CBS12
— Luli Ortiz (@LuliOrtizTV) November 12, 2019
I enjoy blogging about people carrying crosses.
Steinmetz wanted to make an impact for Jesus by carrying this cross on Veterans Day and in uniform.
He did this on Veterans Day and in full dress uniform to make an impact to turn people to God, especially veterans.
“There are a lot of the vets coming home with PTSD or physical disabilities, and we can lay our burdens at the cross. There’s healing at the cross.”
Tobiah Steinmetz
Steinmetz served for five years in the Marine Corps and has been to many countries including Iraq.
“I got saved in 2009, just out of nowhere. I felt God put on my heart to carry the cross across America.”
Tobiah Steinmetz
And in 2010 he founded a non-profit organization called the CrossWalk Ministry which aims to lead Christians in finding their calling through Christ.
He even did it in the Floridian heat.
“In uniform, it adds to the heat. But I feel God is always keeping me cool. When I’m getting thirsty, someone would bless me with a drink,”
Tobiah Steinmetz
In 2010, he walked for 87 days carrying a wooden cross, from California to South Carolina.
He plans to do it again next year on Veterans Day!
If you have carried a cross or plan to carry a cross like that, I’d like to hear from you and share it on here!
Learn about a woman who got saved from a person carrying a cross.
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