Lightning: God’s Fireworks. I’ve always enjoy watching lightning. I believe I like it because its God showing his power.
Lightning: God’s Fireworks
It lights up the whole sky. Occasionally it comes across as bolts, almost like arrows. Sometimes you can feel your hair raise by the power of a strike. Some can be strong and others can be weak. It makes a sound that we often don’t hear right away because light travels faster than sound.
I think lightning is God’s fireworks. Just like fireworks, lightning is unique because it has various colors, sizes, patterns & types. I guess you can say its the fire power of God being displayed. God comes with these storms, to show us He is still God and that He is still in control.

Lightning appears 28 times in the New King James Version (NKJV) According to
Below are two of those Bible verses …
For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. – Matthew 24:27 NKJV
This just reminds us that the Son of Man, Christ is going to come. We need to be ready!
His lightnings light the world; – Psalm 97:4 NKJV
As I said above it lights up the sky. This Psalmist is telling us his view. He tells us it lights up the whole world. Let us be reminding when God lights up the sky with his fireworks, that we are to be the light to the dark, lost and dying world.
A Song comes to mind when when I see the majestic light show in the sky. “Praise you in the Storm” by Casting Crowns.
No matter the storm, God is always with us. He will see us through the storm. He never promised to calm the storm, just to be with us during the storm. So storm or no storm, we must praise Him always.
Do you like to watch lightning? Your comments are welcome.
My Lord Is Near Me All The Time
I wrote this blog post July 15, 2014. On October 1, 2017, we sang, My Lord Is Near Me All The Time. The lyrics reminded me of this blog post and I had to add it to this blog post. This hymn by Barbara Fowler Gaultney shows the song writer knew about God’s Power, Elohim. That is exactly why God’s Fireworks are on display, because it shows God’s Power! Check out parts of the song below.
In the lightning flash across the sky
His mighty pow’r I see,
I’ve seen it in the lightning, heard it in the thunder,
And felt it in the rain;
My Lord is near me all the time,
My Lord is near me all the time.
When the thunder shakes the mighty hills
And trembles ev’ry tree,
Then I know a God so great and strong
Can surely harbor me.
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