Light of the World Award Winner

Light of the World Award Winner by Lighthouse Devotions

Light of the World Award Winner – I won the Light of the World Award by Lighthouse Devotions because Courageous Christian Father has a presence on the web that serves as a shining light for Christ and His Gospel of salvation.

Light of the World Award Winner

I’ve come across a few Blog awards. These awards are based on either public vote or on a fixed set of criteria. They are meant to recognize content that is creative, encouraging, or informative. Awards are another way to just say “Thank You.” They simply validate something that has been accomplished in a visual or tangible way, but most importantly they testify to someone’s commitment to excellence.

Light of the World Award Winner by Lighthouse Devotions

Light of the World Award Winner by Lighthouse Devotions

The Apostle Paul said, “Pay everyone what is owed: taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.” (Romans 13:7). I believe that true believers and followers of Jesus Christ are actually like lighthouses for God. For this reason and because Jesus himself said that we are the “light of the world,” I decided to create The Light of The World Award to honor authors (bloggers) whose presence on the web serve as a shining light for Christ and His Gospel of salvation. If you have been nominated to receive this award and chose to accept it, here is what you need to do.

The Rules

  1. Save and add one of the award images (pictured above) on your blog.
  2. Create a page/post to mention the award nomination and thank the person/blog that nominated you. Make sure you provide a link to their site.
  3. Give credit to the creator of the award (Lighthouse Devotions) and provide a link to the site as well.  (
  4. List the rules.
  5. Answer the next four questions on the same post:
    1. What three words would you use to describe your blog?
    2. In what way(s) can a Christian shine for Christ?
    3. What bible verse (quote it) talks about being a light in a dark and lost world?
    4. What Christian song do you know that has the word “light” in it? Provide a link if available.
  6. Nominate 7 or more people/blogs to receive the award. Briefly explain why you think they should receive it and provide a link to their sites.
  7. Contact them and let them know that you nominated them.
  8. Provide them with a link to the Rules page.
  9. Say a prayer thanking God for His light and ask that He continue to shine it through you and your blog.
  10. Keep shining the light of Christ wherever you go and in whatever you do!

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. – Matthew 5:14 (NAS)

I would like to thank Light House Devotions for nominating me for this award. It means a lot that the creator of the award nominated Courageous Christian Father.

What three words would you use to describe your blog?

  1. Family
  2. Christian
  3. Informative

In what way(s) can a Christian shine for Christ?

  1. There are many ways a Christian can sine a light in the world. One of those ways is using social media or even a blog to share the gospel.

What bible verse (quote it) talks about being a light in a dark and lost world?

  1. 1 Peter 2:9
  2. 2 Corinthians 6:14

What Christian song do you know that has the word “light” in it? Provide a link if available.

  1. Light Shine Bright by TobyMac
  2. Into the Light by Matthew West

Nominate 7 or more people/blogs to receive the award.
Briefly explain why you think they should receive it and provide a link to their sites.

Below are the seven I choose.

  1. SimplySpokn – This is my wife’s blog and she does a great job to shine the light on things going on.
  2. JC Cast – Not being afraid to publish what is felt led to publish.
  3. Reflections on God’s Word -This blog won’t let the “Word” depart from their blog post.
  4. Ginrich’s Devotional Blog – They do a daily devotional with a subject and Bible verses.
  5. God’s Truth in Love – A good blog on church growth and sharing the light on why some aren’t growing and much more.
  6. Revival & Reformation – A Christian blog that has a good variety of topics to blog post.
  7. Faith Field Friends – This is a group of bloggers shine the light for Christ.


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