
Integrity – as a Christian, we are called to live a life of integrity. #Integrity


Integrity - as a Christian, we are called to live a life of integrity. #Integrity

Doing the right thing when no one is watching. Wait, there is always someone watching! God is always watching! He knows all and sees all!

His truth is the only thing that will lead us this type of lifestyle. That is because it is not I, but Him that lives in me. He made us a new creation, new desires, new wants. Yet, we still have the sin nature. We must allow Him to have total control. Deny our self!

Let integrity and uprightness preserve me,
For I wait for You.

Psalms 25:21

I enjoyed this reading plan on YouVersion: A Life of Integrity Devotional by Markey Motsinger

True integrity is simply this- living and speaking based on what God says is right. Integrity means basing our words and actions off of His principles and truth. Why is it based on God’s set of principles? He is the author of everything right and true. When we live our lives claiming that God is our creator, we have to understand that He created us to live based on His standards of truth.

A Life of Integrity Devotional by Markey Motsinger

This reminds me of the Good Person test!

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