If You Are Alive … God Is Not Done With You Yet!
If you wake up that mean God is not done with you yet. God still has a plan and purpose for you to benefit His Kingdom. To win souls for His. Share the Gospel of Christ. To help and love on fellow brothers and sisters.

If you are not saved, God is still giving you time to come to accept His Son Jesus Christ. God doesn’t want anyone to perish, but He is a just God and will punish those who haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
If you are saved, God is saying you still need to do the kingdom work. Share Jesus to the lost and dying world. It is not the job of the pastor or leaders in the church, but everyone. I was given an email that said ti was the pastors job. No you are wrong, it is everyone’s job. We are all called to go out and share Jesus. No one is excused.
Who have you told about Jesus today?
So remember if you are awake and alive God still has a plan and purpose for you. Saved or not there is a reason why you are still alive. If you are not saved I pray that you will accept the precious gift that God gave us, His Son who died on the cross for us.
Check out Isaiah 30:18
Therefore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you;
And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you.
For the Lord is a God of justice;
Blessed are all those who wait for Him.
So make the best of it! Do Kingdom work! Share the Gospel! Strive to sin less and walk like Jesus did. Repent and turn away from the sin that separates you from God. Sometimes God keeps us here so we can have a restored relationship with him if we have got backslidden or away from God (Read about When Sheep Go Astray). God never leaves us, it is us who leaves him.
This verse shows us God will wait. God will give us enough time so that we may come to know Him and do His will. God wants to give us mercy, but this verse also shows that God is a just God. He will punish those and also reward or bless those who wait and trust in Him.
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