This is something that is breaking my heart to see and still breaks my heart to see. I hear about children who get grounded from coming to church. Church is the place these kids needs to be. We are to raise up our kids in the way of the Lord. Parents are grounding kids from church.
I believe most parents ground their children from church because they see the passion the kids have for church. They know they enjoy it and they are taking away that joy or trying to take that joy from them. Most of these parents that ground these children, do not go to church.
I believe parents grounding the children is a way for the devil to use the parent, so the child cannot learn more about God or come back home and share Christ to the parents. It is sad to see most of the children that go to churches, often the parents are unchurched. Devil will do whatever he can to stop the spread of Christ including grounding kids from church.

Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Deuteronomy 6:7
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Talking with other people from other churches, it seems that this is very common. This is sad. It breaks my heart to not have these children come to church.
If we ground our children from church then we are not training them up in the way of the Lord.
If you are a parent and reading this blog entry. Please do not ground them from church. Take something else away from them. What they learn at church has a major impact on their salvation and eternal life with Christ.
Church is where they kids need to be. They will hear about God and Jesus and the correct way to live according to God’s Standards. After all we answer to God on judgement.
Check out some others ways to ground your children in this blog post: Creative Grounding!
First published May 20, 2013. Republishing with additions September 2, 2015.
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Well what I’d they going to church to be with boys in places they are not suppose to be@ the church? What if she is extremity disrespectful to not only mom, but mostly everyone. She hits and pushes even teachers, she is 12 and trys to run everyone including my home. What if she leaves one night and has someone drive her 20 min from home with her book bag, and now has lost every privilege including going to church, because up until then it was the only thing left to take. I am her mom, that serves a mighty God, I pray and read his word, I work hard, I provide for her very well, I have tried everything anyone can think of for her. Including therapist, doctors, police,pastor friends, I’ve done it all, I will continue to pray for her, she will be allowed to read the bible, pray, do bible study with me, and could even go to my church, but she will not be allowed to go to hers. I do believe that God is the only judge and if you have a child that you think you ave to ground completely, I say pray about it, give them there bible but you are the parent of that child, the one God choose, if he does not convict you, then I believe you are doing what is right.
nomatterwhat7399 I disagree if you have a child acting up I believe Church is the great place for them to be, God may have a word for them at that church that the parent has grounded them from. God told us not to neglect assembly with others. Yes, they may go for the boys or the boys may go for the girls, but they do listen and something will sink in to them. As a parent we also should set an example by going to church. Thanks for the comment.
Sadly, I doubt that many of the target audience will read your blog. Less than 10% of the children (including youth) who come along to our church are there with their parents and yes, I have heard of some being grounded from church as a punishment.
Sadly, I doubt that many of the target audience will read your blog. Less than 10% of the children (including youth) who come along to our church are there with their parents and yes, I have heard of some being grounded from church as a punishment.