Here is another poem that I have written 11/20/1998 entitled God Loves Us
God Loves Us (poem)
God is all that.
Only God can cure you.
Do what’s right.
Love all people
Obey God’s commands
Visit God in prayer daily
Encourage everyone
Serve the Lord
Unite yourselves with Christ
Study God’s word daily.
©1998 by Steve Patterson
We have to know that God is all that. He is above all! He created us all! God is our true physician. He is the only one that truly can cure us. We must do right, by that, we must do what God wants us to do. One of those things is loving all people and obeying his laws. We must go to Him in prayer. That is a constant communication with God. We must be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down. We must be offering encouragement to others.
We must also serve the Lord with gladness. Be a cheerful server. Jesus came to serve others, so we must do the same. We must be united in Christ, not divided. We must stand firm together on the believe of Jesus Christ. One way we can do that is by studying God’s Word. Reading God’s Word Daily. Going to church, Sunday School, Bible Studies and more. Sharing God’s Word to others. Don’t just take it in for yourself, but share it with others.