Forget Red Light Cameras … Now there’s Passsing A School Bus Cameras. Virginia Beach, VA has installed School Bus cameras on their school buses to catch illegally passing motorist. These cameras are very similar to the red light cameras and speed cameras.

The Virginia Beach City Public Schools installed them on 100 of its school buses to capture images and videos of motorists illegally passing the school buses when they are stopped with arms extended and red lights flashing. The cameras are activated by sensors when a bus’s stop arm is deployed, can detect a vehicle passing in any direction, and can capture license plates, as well as, the vehicle’s GPS location.
Those captured images will be reviewed by the Virginia Beach Police Department and may result in $250 citations for drivers who are found to be at fault.
I’m all for our school system to adopt this idea. No tot mention, I’m even for ALL school systems to adopt this idea to help keep our kids safe from motorist illegally passing school buses.
Maybe make the fines very high and possibly include jail time.
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