These are the five keys to blog ministry that I believe are essential. These five keys can be held true to anything including other types of Christian Ministries. These five keys can help you start your blog ministry or maybe even grow your blog ministry.
Five Keys to Blog Ministry
1. Prayer
Prayer, I believe is key and essential. You must continually pray over your blog ministry. Pray that you are doing God’s will in that blog ministry. We must pray that it reaches those whom God wants to reach with it. We are told to pray without ceasing, As shown in 1 Thessalonians 5:16. This means a constant communication with God. In whatever you do or blog, make sure you pray about it!
2. Study
We must study the Word of God to be effective in blog ministry. This means studying the Bible and what it means. Study and prayer go hand and hand, that God gives us what needs to be said. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. As shown in 2 Timothy 2:15. So study, study, study! Study, is a way we learn. We learn as we are sharing with others. Most of the time, it seems to be needed to us more than someone else.
3. Integrity
This also goes along with Prayer and Study. By being honest and sharing the truth and nothing but the truth can help show you are an honest and reliable person for the content you publish in your blog ministry. The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. As shown in Proverbs 11:3. Integrity is living up to what you claim. Living by God’s Word even if it’s unpopular. Including in the way you act, talk, speak and even blog. Integrity is being honest with strong moral values. Studying God’s word helps you stand in Integrity, you must walk the walk that you blog about. Proverbs 14:2 tells us that to have intrigrity we must fear the LORD, Yahweh, most secred name of God in Hebrew.
4. Dedication/Availablity
Being both dedication and being available are key. God calls the available and willing, not the able-bodied person. We must be dedicated and available for God to use us in the blog ministry. We must be like Isaiah, Here am I; send me. As shown in Isaiah 6:8. Don’t try to do what other people do, you do what God tells you to do. This comes with being in prayer and studying God’s Word. Being dedicated shows that you devote to God’s blog ministry. Remember it is not our blog ministry, but God’s blog ministry. We are just the ambassador for it. We are the one responsible to make the message God has is sent out.
5. Social Media/Networking
We are told to GO! That is action! Part of goign into the world, as stated in Mark 16:15, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. By us netowrking and using social media we can reach the world. We have the world at our finger tips, literally. God’s blog ministry has the potintial to reach the world. I know looking at the blog stats for Courageous Christian Father, I can see that. So share your new blog post on social media. Share your link in your signature of your email. Put the link on your letter head and more. Go to events and network with people. When you are out and about tell people about Jesus and mention the blog ministry. Use the blog ministry to promote Jesus!
Getting started
I recommend using WordPress, if you wish to do a blog minsitry. I also encourage you to set up a Facebook Page, like I have done for Couragoeus Christian Father. Even set up a Google+ account, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and the list can go on. I notice that I get a lot of visits from Pins I have posted on Pinterest. These are some things you will want to set up along with your blog ministry. If you can, get a self hosted wordpress blog. If not, WordPress can let you do a free one. You can always start off with the free one and as the blog ministry grows, change it to a self-hosted one, with your own domain name.
You can do is visit other peoples blog and comment on their blog post. Leave your blog link in the comments or where it says website in the form. You can also use social bookmarking sights to post new post to.
All five of these keys to blog ministry relate to each other and go hand and hand. So make sure you are in prayer and that you study. Also, make sure you are blogging with intredity. You must stay dedicated and available for God to use you. Then you must network and share Jesus and your blog entries. Take advantage of social media!