I have been using a fitbit tracking pedometer for 3 years now, February 26. I started in 2012. I started off with the fitbit Ultra. It has been since discontinued. I then, went to a fitbit One. My daughter now has it. I recently went for the fitbit Surge. If you like to walk, run, jog, hike, anything to do with your feet then the fitbit device is for you. I am not getting paid for this blog post nor am I getting any kind of items for it. Just sharing that I like these devices. I even have the Aria Scales too.
When I done security a few years back, I would log 10-15 miles of walking per day. Now that I am back to doing graphic design, I almost barely log 2-5 miles per day. I miss all that walking. I hope to try to get fit and walk more this year. I encourage you to get fit too and at least start walking. I hope to be able to go hiking this year as well as walking. I may even go do the Creeper Trail again. Side note these pedometers don’t track steps while cycling. But cycling is still good exercise for you.
Maybe you can use a pedometer to see how many steps you do when you go out witnessing of tracting. Maybe you want to use one to get in fit more. I do encourage you to hand out a gospel tract and/or witness to people you pass as you are walking. Maybe start a walking club and have everyone meet at the local track and start walking. Walking is great exercise.
You can even earn badges in fitbit. Like the highest step badge I got is the 30,000 badge for a single day. I got this 4 times, last time May 2012. You can get climbing steps badges and even weight badges too. Distance badges like this one total distance 2,500 miles, earned in November 2014. Maybe in the future I will have more badges.
Since I have been using fitbit I have taken 6 million steps in 3 years, that is almost 2 million steps per year. I have logged 2,730 miles of walking in those 3 years as well.
One way you can get in those extra steps is to park your car toward the back of the parking lot of the shopping center or mall and walk in instead of parking close. One a cold day like it has been here in Jefferson City, TN with all this ice and snow I have been walking around inside the office at work and at home just pace back and forth. That still gets those steps in! Get the whole family involved get a tracker for each one of them!
I have even done a few blog entries on fitbit during my 3 three years as well. Check them out …
- fitbit Surge (forth post)
- fitbit One (third post)
- Get fit and walking with fitbit (first post)
- Battle Scar on my fitbit Ultra (second post)
Feel free to add me as a friend on fitbit if you have a fitbit account or you can see my daily steps. You can add others as friends. You can try to see if you can out step them or they can outstep you. You can do week day challenges or even weekend challenges.
Do you fitbit? If so please share with me your stats. If you have a profile and would like friends to add you, please give a comment with a link to your profile on fitbit, not your email address please.
I Highly Recommend the fitbit!

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I did not get this device to lose weight just to track the number of steps I do on a daily bases. Since I was doing security at that time, I done a lot of steps.