Cows: Cow Appreciation Day 2014

Do you like cows? My daughter and I dressed up for Cow Appreciation Day. If you dressed up like a full cow you got a free meal at Chick-fil-A. So we made our costumes. So my daughter and I paid a visit to the Morristown, TN location.

Father, Daughter dressed like Cows

My cow costume


I took an old white t-shirt and markers and made spots. Of course you could use paint as well. On my pants I took a pair a black pants and cut up another old white t-shirt and hot glued them on the black pants to make spots. I decided to wear one black sock and one white sock. Plus I also have a stuffed Chick-fil-A cow then I will have with me as well. I also cut up an old black material and cover my ears to make cow ears. I also used a belt as my tail.

I really liked how my pants came out, doing the white hot glued patches on my pants. I think next year, I will get a black t-shirt and do the same to it.

I even had one worker say they liked my costume!

My daughter’s cow costume

My daughter had one of those cow animal hats along with her costume she made very similar to mine. But she included utters. Plus She put on the back of her shirt a cow with a Bible.

A good witnessing too!

You can use this chance to witness to people and Gospel of John and gospel tracts while you are dressed up.


You can get your picture taken with the Chick-fil-A cow here at the Morristown, TN location. You have to sign a waiver. The picture they take with their camera goes on social media. I got them to use my phone to take this picture in this blog post. Pictured from left to right is, Amber, The Chick-fil-A Cow and Steve.

I am glad my daughter allowed me to get her picture taken. She usually doesn’t allow me to. But, this will be one memory you may not forget. So I encourage you take the family and make a memorial cowy day.

Shortly after our picture, the cow had to go on break to chew on its cud as the workers told everyone.

Cows: Cow Appreciation Day 2014
Cow Appreciation Day July 11, 2014 – Father, Daughter dressed like cows

Bible Lesson

And as I think about it a good Bible lesson would be when Moses come down off of Mount Sinai and sees the people worshipping the golden calf. (See Exodus 32) You can talk about the Ten Commandments. (See Exodus 20:3-17)

Utterly Fun!

I think this is a fun great idea cause you can create your outfit together as a family and then go over to Chick-fil-A and eat as a family dress as cows. I don’t think I’ve been that creative in awhile since I’ve made my pirate costume. I think it was an utterly good and fun experience. Looking forward to next year and the next dress up for free food day.

My daughter said, just think if someone dressed up as a butcher. I think that might add some excitement to the mix.

Other costumes

The Morristown Chick-fil-A location was full, we arrived after 1 p.m. It was full of cows, it was amazing to see all the different creative ways people dressed up a cow. Some using makeup, some using paper and cardboard. Young and old both dressed up. You could even get your picture taken with the cow as well.  One guy used a glove for udders. There was even a guy in a monkey costume, like the ones you would see at a sporting event, mascot type style. There was a huge creativity in the area of cowinism.

Every time the door opens the workers shout out and ring cow bells.

Comments welcome

Did you and your family dress up like cows for this event? how about you dress up for something else for another event? Your comments are welcome!

Cow Face Masks

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