Doesn’t Mean There Won’t Be A Judgement Church Sign

See what this church signs reads about Doesn’t Mean There Won’t Be A Judgement Church Sign from Jefferson City Church of Christ in Jefferson City, TN.

Doesn’t Mean There Won’t Be A Judgement Church Sign

I saw this church sign November 5, 2016 while driving in Jefferson City, TN. I stopped and took the picture for everyone to read what it said.

This church sign reads Just because we are not suppose to judge doesn't mean there won't be a judgement. - Jefferson City Church of Christ - Church Sign

This church sign reads Just because we are not suppose to judge doesn’t mean there won’t be a judgement. In this church sign talks about judging others and judgement. This church sign allows those saying don’t judge me that a judgement day is coming from the Lord.

Misquoted Verses


I do believe the “don’t judge me” verses (Matthew 7:1-6) is one of the most used and misquoted verses. We are to go to our fellow brother or sister in a loving way, a form of church discipline. Talking to them in a loving, non-judgemental way. The Bible tells us 2 Timothy 3:15-16, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

Judge Not, That Ye Be Not Judged

There is a big difference in judging and correcting. Justin Breeden with The Word of the Week wrote a good article on Courageous Christian Father about Judge Not, That Ye Be Not Judged. Below is a quote taken from that blog entry, make sure you check out the full blog entry.

In conclusion, we have seen in this brief look at Matthew chapter 7, verse 1, that Jesus is condemning a specific group of people for using a specific type of judgment – not all judgment in general.  We have also seen that elsewhere (John 7:24) Jesus clearly teaches that men are to judge with “righteous judgment.”  Finally, we have seen that the Bible as a whole clearly teaches that men are to exercise “righteous judgment” in all areas of their life (Proverbs 18:13).  I will close with the words of the infamous Paul Washer, “People tell me judge not lest ye judged.  I always tell them, ‘Twist not Scripture lest ye be like Satan.’”

Also check out …

Also check these two blog post on Church Discipline. One is a song by Stephen the Levite on Church Discipline. The other is an article by Justin Breeden with from The Word of the Week on Church Discipline.

We do have to remember that we do face God on the final judgement day will give an account for everything we did or didn’t do. In the end we answer to God and not man! We must Be Sheep and Not Goats!

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