Do Not Call Registry – Some of you remember the Do not call registry they created a long time ago, it was created to help stop unsolicited or unwanted sales or telemarketing calls, etc. You entered your phone number into the system and it adds your number to the contact list. If a business calls you and you are on that list, they are breaking the law. They business can be fined for contacting you. This registry started in 2004.
Do Not Call Registry

Did you know you can register both your cell phone and your landline phones? I always keep up with doing that. I recommend you sign up and add all your families numbers.
Do not believe the rumors that say you have so long before they won’t allow cell phones, also if someone calls you and claims to be from the Do Not Call Registry, saying that your number is not listed, hang up! They are scammer.
Also if a telemarketer calls you, ask them how they got your number and also tell them to take your name off the list. They are required to remove you from their list. If they call you again, then you can report them.
Side note, you do not need to resubmit your number every five years, that rule stopped in 2007.
Watch out, if you done businesses with a particular businesses, requested info, done sweepstakes, then you are free game for that business to contact you.
You can also verify that your number is listed, once it is listed, it will stay listed until you tell them to remove the number.
All you have to do is provide your number to 888-382-1222 or
You can also use the website above to submit complaints of businesses that are not compliant with the registry.
Please note it can take up to 31 days to fully go in effect after you register your phone.
Have you registered your phone numbers with the Do Not Call Registry? Have you updated them with your new phone numbers or cellular numbers?
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